Early Consignments for Auction
December 10th
Starting at 12:00 with Calves
Weaned Calves
180 Strs/Hfrs Blk/Bwf Fully
Vaccinated, Long Time Weaned, 500-750 Aaron & Brody Lewis
35 Strs/Hfrs, Mostly Black, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time
Weaned, 400-800 Ellen Runnion
145 Steers, Mostly Black, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time
Weaned, 650-750 Matt Jarvis
30 Strs/Hfrs, Mostly Black, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time
Weaned, 500-650 Eldon Huckfeldt
20 Strs/Hfrs, Black, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time Weaned
350-450 Luke Drudik
18 Strs/Hfrs, Mostly Black, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time
Weaned, 575-700 Dave Freeland
100 Strs/Hfrs, Black, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time Weaned,
550-725 Nick & Chris Holste
30 Strs/Hfrs Hereford, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time Weaned,
500-600 Kohler Cattle Co.
55 Strs/Hfrs, Mostly Black, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time
Weaned, 650-750 Mike & Corey Dallmann
45 Strs/Hfrs Blk/Bwf, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time Weaned,
500-600 Scott Prickett
10 Strs/Hfrs, Mixed, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time Weaned
400-500 DG Cattle
25 Steers, Mixed, Fully Vaccinated, Long Time Weaned 525-550
S & S
Calves off the Cow
40 Strs/Hfrs, Red/Blk, SS, PC,
OC, 500-650 Gary Paitz
125 Strs/Hfrs, Black, SS, OC, 450-650 Horwart Bros LLC
65 Strs/Hfrs, Black, SS, OC, 400-600 Ehrke Family
140 Strs/Hfrs, Char X, SS, OC 400-700 John & Joel Wessels
130 Strs/Hfrs, Blk/Bwf, SS, PC, OC, 350-600 Tanner Hays &
Sally Hays
50 Strs/Hfrs, Black, SS, OC 500-600 Don Leidig
18 Strs/Hfrs, Mostly Black, SS, PC, OC, 550-700 Derek Schoen
110 Strs/Hfrs, Mostly Black, Strs/Hfrs, SS, OC, 450-600 Ron
Spring Shots = SS - Fall Shots = FS Preconditioned = PC -
Off the Cow = OC - Long Term Wean = LTW |